Thursday, January 28, 2010

Look who's writing for The Quilt Life now

Look who's ________ing now. You can fill in the blank with many different verbs and this comment still makes sense. Have you ever said, "Look who's quilting now" when you were surprised to find that someone you know is a quilter?  I'm happy to tell you that Meg Cox will be writing a regular feature in The Quilt Life about that very thing: the unexpected quilters among us. Not only is Meg (that's her in the photo) an experienced writer who has been a reporter for the Wall Street Journal; she's also the author of The Quilter's Catalog: A Comprehensive Resource Guide and a quilter in her own right. The feature in TQL is called "Look Who's Quilting Now." I don't know how she does it, but she can find a quilter anywhere. That skill must come from being a curious journalist who knows how to find a good story.
      Next time you say, "Look who's quilting now," hold that thought long enough to email it to With well over 27 million quilters in the U.S., there must be tons of tales to tell about unexpected quilters. Be on the lookout for them.

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